How to validate my registration?

To validate your registration, please click on the corresponding link sent to you by email.
We often use the term "account confirmation" to refer to registration validation.

The token to validate your registration expires after a certain time. Thus, any attempt to validate registration after expiry of this token is doomed to failure.
In this case, you should have to try to do authentication and the app will detect that you have not yet validated your registration and then proposes you a link to request for a new validation email.

I did not receive an email to validate my registration. What should I do?

Check that you did not receive it in your spam box. If this is still not the case, please try to do authentication from the login page. A message will tell you that you must first validate your registration by proposing a link that would allow you to request to receive another email to validate your registration.

An account seems to have been created using my email address and this, without my knowledge. What to do?

From the login page, make yourself as an user who has forgotten his password and, after typing your email address, a password change mail will be sent to you.

The application does not work well on my web browser. What is going on?

Check that you are using the latest version of your web browser. If the problem persists, try another web browser if you have that option.

How can I prevent another user from viewing my photo albums?

All access to photo albums is public.

How to have control over the users allowed to give their opinions on my photo albums?

When creating your photo album, please indicate that only your subscribers are allowed to give opinions on your photo albums.
To prevent some of your subscribers from being able to give opinions on your albums, simply turn them off and they will never be able to interact with your photo albums.

I receive unhealthy comments on my photo album. What to do?

First of all, rest assured that your album is appropriate. If your photo album is out of the question, consider disabling your malicious subscribers. In the most extreme case, you will be resigned to deleting your photo album and then creating another one while not allowing comments for this time.

What is the point of following another user's profile?

Being a subscriber of a given account, you will have the privilege of being able to give opinions on his photo albums if this one allows it.
In addition, you will receive notifications when this account has created new albums. It should be noted that notifications are served to you through the application and not by mail. We are aware that we must not pollute your mailboxes with emails of little importance.

My album page does no appear in the search result of a given web search engine. Why?

At this time, we do not plan to have photo album pages referenced by web search engines. You should know that when the page of a photo album is referenced by a search engine, this Referencing remains even if that album were to be removed from our application. To avoid this inconvenience, we prefer that anyone who wishes to share his photo album with anyone else, then share with him the web address of that album.